Sustainable Tourism

Cordial Hotels & Resorts

Be Cordial - Be Green

“Cordial” is much more than just the basic element of our brand, it is also the fundament of our philosophy. Cordiality is not only a commitment from the heart with our guests. This commitment is also reflected, on the one hand, in our concern for the environment meeting with the highest standards of environmental qualities and on the other hand, in our social responsibility.

We are aware of the need to respect and protect the environment as well as the impact our activities have on it. We are committed to sustainability, to environmentally respectful tourism and to our social environment.

We feel our motto. Be Cordial!

Please see our Sustainability Statement here

Please see our Sustainability Report here

Please see our Human Rights Policy here

Please see our Local Community Policy here

Please see our Environmental Policy here

Please see Travelife's Responsible Guest Guide here

Please see Travelife's Responsible Hospitality Guide here

Ecological Sustainability

Curiously, one of the factors favouring the appearance of tourism in an area, the landscape, is especially fragile with its development. To maintain our beautiful destinations, we have to protect the physical environment, ensuring that no damage is caused to any natural asset including land, water and air. This is the only way to conserve natural heritage and biodiversity.

At Cordial we are aware of the need to respect and protect the environment and we are committed to development and require in all members of our organization a responsible attitude to the natural environment. Proper management of environmental aspects, rational use of natural resources and open communication with our partners are considered essential elements of our performance.

Our continuous effort to reduce our environmental impact without compromising the comfort of our guests makes us environmentally sustainable.

Social Sustainability

Tourism can have positive benefits by allowing the interrelation between different cultures and generate economic flows. However, socio-cultural impacts may become negative for the host society.

Therefore it is important to ensure the social wellbeing of the local people, preserve the destination’s authenticity and its cultural heritage, values and traditions.

Another important aspect is to ensure a long-term economic balance that provides local people with stable jobs and opportunities.

For us it is a priority to positively influence the local community and contribute to the socio-economic development of our local environment. This honest and serious commitment with the destination and its people makes us socially sustainable.

Our actions

Specifically we are cooperating to improve the environment with the following actions:

We reduce energy consumption:

We have biomass boilers for heating water by using small portions of compressed vegetable material used as fuel replacing gas (at Cordial Mogán Playa, Cordial Mogán Valle and Cordial Biarritz)

We use light switches with automatic turn-off in all of the rooms

We use LED light bulbs

We use renewable energy such as solar panels and solar blankets (at Cordial Mogán Playa and Cordial Green Golf)

Monitoring system and automated control for air conditioning and heat production of the complexes

Correct maintenance of all machinery with periodic revisions power controls by schedule

We reduce water consumption:

We have installed flow reducers in taps and showers

We repair immediately all cracks in the tap fittings

Irrigation adjusted according to the level of insolation

Predominance of native plants in our gardens regular controls of water consumption by zones

We use water from natural wells for irrigation of plants (at Cordial Mogan Playa and Cordial Mogan Valle)

We manage waste and pollution:

We separate rubbish to recycle, recyclable packaging, glass, carton, etc.

We buy products in large packages, avoiding small or individual packaging

We are monitoring the noise

We produce turning over dangerous waste to authorized processors

We think about the environment:

We apply environmental criteria when buying

Priority to local products to reduce transport

We reduce the consumption of toxic products

Improving the gardens helps to freshen the air by absorbing dust and germs

We use biological means to fight pests in our gardens

We reduce our CO2 emissions by using renewable energy

Environmental commitments and training:

We have an environmental manager in all our hotels

We are prepared to respond to environmental emergencies

We have been audited and certified by TRAVELIFE and BIOSPHERE in sustainability management

We protect the history and customs of the Canaries:

We have conditioned the archaeological site of “Las Crucecitas” in Puerto de Mogán

We are honestly committed to corporate social responsibility:

Our employees donate blood to the Red Cross

The company, its employees and our guests (of Cordial Mogán Playa and Cordial Mogán Valle) make monetary contributions to UNICEF Foundation with the goals of raising funds and passing them on to the Protection of Children

We are committed to social discrimination through collaboration with the Red Cross, whereby we provide employment to vulnerable groups our resounding no to the "all inclusive", so as not to harm restaurants, cafes and bars of the surrounding area



The Travelife Sustainability System is an initiative endorsed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).

It helps tourism related companies to measure, improve and report its contribution to environmental protection, social development and economic stability of destinations and communities in which they are based. As a result of an independent audit of our procedures in response to the Travelife sustainability criteria we have been distinguished with:

Travelife Gold Award for Cordial Mogan Playa, Cordial Mogán Valle and Cordial Green Golf.




Awarded by the international organisation Biosphere of the Responsible Tourism Institute (RTI), the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle certificate distinguishes those destinations, companies, services and tourism experiences that guarantee a continuous improvement in the balance of tourism activity and the fight against climate change, cultural, social and economic sustainability of its activity, through the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.

As a result of an independent audit of our procedures, in accordance with the Biosphere sustainability criteria, we have obtained the certificate in:

Cordial Mogán Playa, Cordial Mogán Valle, Cordial Biarritz, Cordial Green Golf, Cordial Sandy Golf and Resort Cordial Santa Águeda & Perchel Beach Club.





Good environmental practices

  • Do not switch on the light if it is not necessary
  • Unplug electronic items that are not being used
  • Turn off lights in rooms where no one is present
  • Remove the card from the electrical panel when leaving the room
  • Control the use of air conditioning
  • User water responsibly (turn off the tap when not in use)
  • Use the recycling stations located in our complexes
  • Print only the documents you really need
  • Remember to use sunscreens that are safe for the oceans
  • Avoid products with microplastics for the protection of the ocean environment



Your opinion is essential to us

At Cordial Hotels & Resorts, we are sincerely committed to promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. Your opinion is vital to continue improving our practices. We invite you to send your comments and suggestions to:

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