Los Guayres restaurant awarded, for the fourth time, with the Michelin Star

23 Novembre 2022 16:47

The restaurant Los Guayres, located in Hotel Cordial Mogán Playa, has received, for the fourth consecutive year, its well-deserved Michelin Star at a gala held in Toledo on the night of the 22nd of November. Restaurant Los Guayres, with chef Alexis Álvarez at the head of its fantastic kitchen and dining room team, thus maintains the highest recognition of the world's best restaurants by the Michelin Guide 2023 and consolidates, for yet another year, as one of the best restaurants in Spain.

The revalidation of the Michelin Star, awarded for the first time in the Michelin Guide Spain & Portugal 2020, is undoubtedly an exciting recognition of a job well done and the daily dedication of Alexis Álvarez and his team. "We are very grateful to the Michelin Guide Spain & Portugal for having appreciated our efforts. And I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the wonderful team at Los Guayres and all our diners who trust us to enjoy a different gastronomic experience, without them all this would not be possible" said chef Alexis Álvarez.

For his part, Nicolás Villalobos, general manager of the hotel chain beCordial Hotels & Resorts, wanted to highlight the daily work of the team since the restaurant opened its doors in 2004: "this recognition with the Oscar of haute cuisine is yet another reward for the extraordinary effort made by Alexis Álvarez and his team over the years, always seeking to offer the best experience to diners, taking care of the smallest detail and focusing on innovation while respecting the flavours of the land. At beCordial Hotels & Resorts we are very proud of this great team".

We would like to congratulate all the award winners, especially those from Gran Canaria for their efforts to position the island on the map of haute cuisine.

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Hotel Cordial Mogán Playa
49 entradas
beCordial Hotels & Resorts
90 entradas


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Cordial Mogán Solaz
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Hotel Cordial Marina Blanca
Hotel Cordial Mogan Playa
Hotel Cordial Vista Acuario
Los Guayres
Perchel Beach Club
Resort Cordial Santa Águeda
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Spa & Wellness
Sponsoring sportif

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